As an American I have a right, no I have a freedom, to speak about what I wish, freely. I make no apologies for my opinion, and I ask no one to make them on my behalf. However, as of recent, a newly elected political figure feels like he must apologize on my behalf to others, yet I don't remember asking him to do so.
As of recent he has also pumped billions of trillions of dollars into an economy, that if it's to remain a capitalist society, should be allowed to reset on it's own. Now as we watch 4 billion in tax dollars go into bankruptcy, I wonder how my children are going to survive paying back a debt they had nothing to do with.
I'm concerned about the carbon credits, and Al's hidden agenda on pushing something that will be nothing more than a profit for big business. One of the biggest in business, our government. See for those of you who don't know your government is a business, and in order to stay afloat, they need us. But, without your willingness to stand up for yourself, I'm afraid this is a boat that will stay afloat for quite some time.
I never asked to own a bank, yet now I do. I don't have time to run a car company, but now I have to figure out how. I don't know much about insurance, but I'm in the business, anyone need a policy? Oh, and because I am a great guy I've also picked up some of my neighbors mortgage's. Did I mention I had a lot of neighbors?
With all of my new found hobbies that my government has put me on the hook for, I barely have time to myself. Cough, is that the swine flu? Great guess I'm going to buy some hospitals soon!
Republican or Democratic, you have got to quit putting your political figure on a pedestal. Both parties stand for the same thing, which is being in the business of being all up in your business. If you want my attention quit telling me what your party "used too" stand for. (you know, as your parents and professors have brain washed you to believe) Instead tell me how they're helping, by getting off my back and allowing me to be what I was born to be. A free and proud American, with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.