Here's a topic that I'm sure is disturbing to many, but one that needs to be addressed. Roadside memorials seem to be growing trend and as they become so, there seems to be a competition on who's is the most elaborate. All though I understand every ones need to grieve, I don't understand why roadside memorials are becoming more than just that, a memorial.
It used to be a ribbon tied around a pole or a cross staked into the ground to symbolize the final resting place of a loved one who was so suddenly taken from our world. However today's memorials are now eye cathers for all to see, and actually becoming a danger to drivers who take a few extra moments to look, instead of keeping thier eyes where they are supposed to be, on the road.
Today these "super memorials" come complete with pictures, stuffed animals, balloons, and even special lighting for nighttime allumination. With all of this stuff, its impossible for a person not to notice. So am I insensitive to those who have a lost a loved one? I really don't think so. I am concerned, just as you are when you get behind someone who is texting rather than driving. We all know that it only takes a slight distraction to cause a major accident, as I'm sure was the case for the roadside memorial.
Now if some of these memorials were signs they would be a violation of city code because of the placement. See the following link for regulations. http://www.ci.springfield.mo.us/egov/planning_development/TaskForce/sign_regs.html
In many situations theses memorials violate lighting regulations, streamer violations, and other variations of this law, and are clearly a danger to passing motorists.
In closing I would like to say, if this has offended anyone, please accept my apologies. I am in no way saying you don't have the right to grieve your loved ones. However, if we are going to keep our city safe, lets at least tone it down.
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