These two parties used to stand for different things, with different beliefs and different values, but today, these two cartoon characters stand for the same thing. So why do we hate one party more than the other when the two are cut from the same loaf of bread? (both being the butt ends of that loaf)
They both believe in being "up in your business," and feel like they need to protect you in the name of freedom, when what they are doing is defying that very thing. As our forefathers taught us, freedom is a right. A right you have to earn and sure you can tax our freedom, but not without representation. Recent Republicans protected you from terrorism, but at a price tag that would make stores on Hollywood Blvd blush. Democrats now have the seat in order to protect you from the future of global warming, it's going to cost you, and your children, and their children. So where do you come in? That would be our democratic right to vote, and to be represented, but wait... you didn't get that chance did you? How about your kids? Oh they can't vote so taking their money is okay. Really?
Another common theme between the two, power. Growing their powers in order to line their pockets from big business is becoming a familiar trend between these two parties. Think your government cares about you? They might, but they're going to need to take a look at that checkbook of yours before they consider you. Welcome to the "good ol' boys club."
What's crazy about this whole circle, is we never learn about how corrupt our administration really is until the end of their term, or after they're out of office. When did Monica appear? Towards the end, when the Republicans needed your vote in the upcoming election. How bout Bush and his horrible water boarding tactics, in the end when McCain was depicted as the same in-humane person as Bush.
Is there more? So much more, and the sad thing is ... you already know all of this. So, my point is, quit buttering the same bread and telling me that this year it's different, this time our new leader will be different. He's not different, none of them have been different for a long time! The two parties want you to believe that, but whens the last time you really felt that your party was listening to you. When was the last time your government stood up and said, "America, I hear you, and you are right." Where is our freedom that was given to us on the day we were born? Is it gone? I'm afraid it is. What about your children? They are now being born into the world with I.O.U.'s and a debt they had nothing to do with. Your kids future kids are already in debt to our government, and they aren't even born yet? Come on! If this doesn't sound crazy, what does? When will you look up and say, that doesn't sound right? What does it take for you to stand up for yourself, and tell this bully known as our government to BACK OFF! If you're not going to do it for yourself, then do it for your kids.
The pants of our government have been growing for a long time and have gotten to big, but until you stand up and say, "enough is enough," it's not going to end. I'm sorry, but I fear soon those size 38's that used to fit so snug at the end of the our last administration, will soon become a size 40.
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