Time and time again I try to avoid meaningless conversation, because honestly in my mind, there's just no more room. I want to listen, I really do, but what you have to say does not stimulate my interests enough to provoke an actual conversation.
Sound familiar? If not, your the one with all the stories I care nothing about. Encountering these people is a daily event, and I'm sure as exciting as their life may be (in their head), it truely means nothing to me.
Seriously, as you stand there telling me about your night last night, I'm screaming on the inside "WHO REALLY CARES!" What I want to say to you is, "Yes, I caught that episode of Sienfield, 10 years ago. It wasn't that funny then, and it still wasn't funny last night." Why am I even talking to you about this? (Serenity now!) Meaningless conversations waste a lot of time and have little to offer. Yet, somehow, I always feel a bit of guilt when I don't give my undivided attention. Am I just that much better then you, or am I just that big of an ass? Do I care?
Either way, I always wonder, had I stopped to listen to you, could I have learned something? Something important, that would have meant something in my life? Did I let an opportunity escape, that could have changed my life? And most importantly, how have I made it this far in life without knowing anything about the diarrhea now spewing from your mouth?
Sure, I always enjoy the way I segue out of a conversation, it's truley magical. So much so, that even Houdini turns in his grave. Still, I can't help to wonder, have I turned my own faucet off; just to stop the bleeding? (the bleeding in my ears) Perhaps. But, then again, by you reading this . . . have I just done to you, what I don't want done to me?
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